I’m releasing a new solo album on Hubro 25th of May, 2018! I’m playing some release concerts around in Norway to celebrate this: 24th of May – Kafé Hærverk, Oslo 07th of June – Østre, Bergen 09th of June […]
I’m releasing a new solo album on Hubro 25th of May, 2018! I’m playing some release concerts around in Norway to celebrate this: 24th of May – Kafé Hærverk, Oslo 07th of June – Østre, Bergen 09th of June […]
Written by Mischa Mathys, The Formant A few weeks ago a cryptic message arrived on social media, talking about a performance at Galleri Ram and a request; to document an exchange between the artists involved as they explain the ideas […]
I performed at TEDxOslo earlier this month, a very fun and challenging experience. I got to meet a lot of inspiring people who also spoke at the event, so I suggest you take a look on the other talks as […]
I’m so happy to announce that I’m going to perform at TEDxOslo. Follow the event TEDxOslo 2017 on Facebook to get more information about this years theme, speakers and ticket release.
In August I was so lucky to play together with Morten Qvenild, during Oslo Jazzfestival. The whole concert, where he also plays duets with Al Khowarizmis Mekaniske Orkester and Gard Nilssen (drums, sPacemonKey) is put out on Vimeo. Feel free to enjoy! […]
I’m part of the project LJERKE, a multidisciplinary collaboration with musicians, sound artists and video artists from Norway and the Netherlands, taking place in the Netherlands in the start of November. Check out this beautiful teaser by video artist Marco […]
Firda Tidend skreiv ein artikkel etter konserten min på torsdag. Du kan lese den her. Takk til Jazz på Jølst, og alle som kom på konserten! Foto: Hallstein Dvergsdal
Torsdag 13. oktober skal eg spele i heimbygda for første gong med soloprosjektet mitt for trompet og live elektronikk. Det gler eg meg veldig til, samstundes som det kjennest litt nervepirrande. Det var her eg innsåg at heilt enkle blåselydar […]